A lesser known but emerging issue, recreational fishing debris and the anglers' opinions in South Korea
Jongsu Lee, Sunwook Hong, Sehan Lim, Jongmyoung Lee, Raehyuk Jung, Sanghyun Choi
A lesser known but emerging issue, recreational fishing debris and the anglers' opinions in South Korea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 194, Part A, 2023, 115229, ISSN 0025-326X,
•Marine recreational fishing debris and anglers' perceptions in Korea were surveyed. •Fishing line was the most abundant item, followed by fishing hook. •The bottom type significantly impacted the abundance of debris. •Anglers preferred the installation of trash bins to reduce marine debris. •Majority of anglers agreed with fishing license or permit. |
The abundance and characteristics of marine debris originating from recreational fishing were examined across 55 sites in four different regions in Korea. The result shows that the average abundance of debris was 4.3 ± 4.2 (n/m2) in terms of the number and 13.4 ± 18.1 (g/m2) in terms of the weight, and the most often found item was fishing lines (<1 m). Detrimental fishing debris such as fishing lines, hooks and weights comprised 50.9 % of the total debris, suggesting significant impacts on wildlife. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 374 anglers across all four regions to understand their behaviors, perceptions, and preferences regarding government policies. Most of the respondents were aware of the adverse impacts of recreational fishing debris on the environment, and >50 % agreed with the introduction of recreational fishing licenses. This study highlights the urgent need to raise awareness and address the undervalued problem of recreational fishing debris.
Graphical abstract

요약문 번역
한국의 4개 권역 55개 지점에서 낚시 쓰레기의 양과 특성을 조사했다. 그 결과, 쓰레기의 수는 4.3 ± 4.2 (n/㎡), 무게는 13.4 ± 18.1 (g/㎡)이었고, 가장 많이 발견된 품목은 낚싯줄(<1m)이었다. 낚싯줄, 낚시 바늘, 추와 같은 해로운 낚시 쓰레기는 전체 쓰레기의 50.9%를 차지하여 야생 동물에 심각한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 4개 지역에서 총 374명의 낚시인을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하여 그들의 행동, 인식, 정부 정책에 대한 선호도를 파악했다. 응답자의 대부분은 낚시 쓰레기가 환경에 미치는 부정적인 영향을 알고 있었으며, 50% 이상이 낚시 면허제/허가제의 도입에 동의했다. 이 연구는 낚시 쓰레기의 과소평가된 문제를 해결하기 위해 인식을 높이고 대응해야 할 긴급한 필요성을 강조하고 있다.
A lesser known but emerging issue, recreational fishing debris and the anglers' opinions in South Korea
Jongsu Lee, Sunwook Hong, Sehan Lim, Jongmyoung Lee, Raehyuk Jung, Sanghyun Choi
A lesser known but emerging issue, recreational fishing debris and the anglers' opinions in South Korea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 194, Part A, 2023, 115229, ISSN 0025-326X,
•Marine recreational fishing debris and anglers' perceptions in Korea were surveyed.
•Fishing line was the most abundant item, followed by fishing hook.
•The bottom type significantly impacted the abundance of debris.
•Anglers preferred the installation of trash bins to reduce marine debris.
•Majority of anglers agreed with fishing license or permit.
The abundance and characteristics of marine debris originating from recreational fishing were examined across 55 sites in four different regions in Korea. The result shows that the average abundance of debris was 4.3 ± 4.2 (n/m2) in terms of the number and 13.4 ± 18.1 (g/m2) in terms of the weight, and the most often found item was fishing lines (<1 m). Detrimental fishing debris such as fishing lines, hooks and weights comprised 50.9 % of the total debris, suggesting significant impacts on wildlife. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 374 anglers across all four regions to understand their behaviors, perceptions, and preferences regarding government policies. Most of the respondents were aware of the adverse impacts of recreational fishing debris on the environment, and >50 % agreed with the introduction of recreational fishing licenses. This study highlights the urgent need to raise awareness and address the undervalued problem of recreational fishing debris.
Graphical abstract
요약문 번역
한국의 4개 권역 55개 지점에서 낚시 쓰레기의 양과 특성을 조사했다. 그 결과, 쓰레기의 수는 4.3 ± 4.2 (n/㎡), 무게는 13.4 ± 18.1 (g/㎡)이었고, 가장 많이 발견된 품목은 낚싯줄(<1m)이었다. 낚싯줄, 낚시 바늘, 추와 같은 해로운 낚시 쓰레기는 전체 쓰레기의 50.9%를 차지하여 야생 동물에 심각한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 4개 지역에서 총 374명의 낚시인을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하여 그들의 행동, 인식, 정부 정책에 대한 선호도를 파악했다. 응답자의 대부분은 낚시 쓰레기가 환경에 미치는 부정적인 영향을 알고 있었으며, 50% 이상이 낚시 면허제/허가제의 도입에 동의했다. 이 연구는 낚시 쓰레기의 과소평가된 문제를 해결하기 위해 인식을 높이고 대응해야 할 긴급한 필요성을 강조하고 있다.